- even though I don't typically drink them - a person who can make a great martini is a person i can trust with my life.
- there's a lot of interesting and great music out there that's not under contract with a major record label. it takes some effort to seek this music out which is why lazy people listen to music they hear on the FM Top 40. stay away from these people.
- i like to read novels about drugs yet i don't do drugs. unless you count alcohol, nicotine and caffeine as a drug.
- the best way to know and understand someone that's different from you is to jump right into their world.
- don't over analyze Bush and the war. just know that soon his tyranny shall end.
- i learned that doing the things you truly love to do takes commitment and consistency and it's rare that you profit from it. unless you love accounting or something.
- if you're a woman and like the rock band Pavement or potentially could like the rock band Pavement and/or have a British accent, it's virtually guaranteed that i will fall in love with you.
-it's not "you're only as old as you feel". it's "you're only as old as your body makes you feel." which means i occasionally feel like a 60 year old man.
- the mid-20's is by far the hardest time of your life. it's a time where you're discovering who you really are. it's a time where you start to see who you'll really be for the rest of your life. it's a time where you make less money than someone older than you and yet you both do the same job. the only reason that older person makes more money is because they supposedly have "experience".
- those that have power in the world of religion are the ones making this world a bad place.
- always seek out the interesting people. they're the ones who drink dark ale and/or scotch at the bar.