you know people called me stupid and crazy when i decided to put on a suit and stand on this red beam over a body of water until the day i die. i mean, can you believe that? this has been the greatest career move i've ever made!!!! i've been standing on this red beam over a body of water wearing a suit now for 10 years and life could not be any better. i've been featured in several business periodicals and i was also interviewed by Kelly Wells, co-anchor of "Good Morning St. Louis". Nnow that's what you call success. i wouldn't have been interviewed by a regional Emmy nominee if i was still working as a cashier at the gay porno shop, would i? i thought so.
life sure is sweet. when a class of 6th graders came out to visit me for a speech i was giving, i looked at those bright youngsters and said, "There's a man that wears a suit and stands on a red beam over a body of water in all of us." and i stand by that, through and through. even though i'm slightly mal-nourished and i stand a good chance of having a massive stroke, i think i can safely say that wearing a suit and standing on a red beam over a body of water day in and day out is like the top of the mountain. enjoy your cubicle, suckers!!!!
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