last minute change of plans
okay so i am typically a stick to the plan kind of guy - but i have had my moments of complete spontaneity. well i was supposed to go to a HH and dinner with my PR girls, my media placement manager and our vendor who take care of all of our major product placement.
well as i was shopping for "stuff" i got a call from my mom asking me what Wilwo was - cause Rhys kept saying it. i couldn't figure it out at first but i kept hearing him say it in the background - the she told me that kept handed her a DVD case when he said it - i asked what DVD it was ans she said it was just a black case with plain white cover - and then it hit me - he is saying WILCO - i freaked out and got excited. i looked at the lady next to me cause i wanted to tell someone - she looked scary so i refrained - so i texted the first person i could think of - my new friend Jessica - it was a very proud dad moment for me.
anyhew back to point of this blog
i was so excited about hearing Rhys say Wilco that i decided to go see him and hang out with him and my 4 nephews. i got to my moms and the kids seemed a little stir crazy and said they wanted ice cream. well most who know me - know ice cream is the way to my heart - so i told everyone to get in and we are going to Milwaukee Joe's - they kids were like "what is Milwaukee Joe's?" - "only the best ice cream around here" - "we like chocolate ice cream from Wendy's".
yeah so after arguing with kids ranging from 3 - 12 that "Frosties" are not ice cream - i gave in. so we went and had melty grossness of the Wendy's Frosty and then we went to the park for a bit and played - and then finished off the night with soccer and football in my mom's backyard.
i had an awesome time with them and it really made me happy. there is just something about being around kids and playing with them that makes me smile. i can't understand why people are annoyed by children. if i didn't have one of the coolest jobs in the world and i wasn't wanting to open a boutique somewhere - i would so be a Kindergarten teacher. i think it would be so rewarding.
oh yeah one more thing - - - - - i cut my hair
well as i was shopping for "stuff" i got a call from my mom asking me what Wilwo was - cause Rhys kept saying it. i couldn't figure it out at first but i kept hearing him say it in the background - the she told me that kept handed her a DVD case when he said it - i asked what DVD it was ans she said it was just a black case with plain white cover - and then it hit me - he is saying WILCO - i freaked out and got excited. i looked at the lady next to me cause i wanted to tell someone - she looked scary so i refrained - so i texted the first person i could think of - my new friend Jessica - it was a very proud dad moment for me.
anyhew back to point of this blog
i was so excited about hearing Rhys say Wilco that i decided to go see him and hang out with him and my 4 nephews. i got to my moms and the kids seemed a little stir crazy and said they wanted ice cream. well most who know me - know ice cream is the way to my heart - so i told everyone to get in and we are going to Milwaukee Joe's - they kids were like "what is Milwaukee Joe's?" - "only the best ice cream around here" - "we like chocolate ice cream from Wendy's".
yeah so after arguing with kids ranging from 3 - 12 that "Frosties" are not ice cream - i gave in. so we went and had melty grossness of the Wendy's Frosty and then we went to the park for a bit and played - and then finished off the night with soccer and football in my mom's backyard.
i had an awesome time with them and it really made me happy. there is just something about being around kids and playing with them that makes me smile. i can't understand why people are annoyed by children. if i didn't have one of the coolest jobs in the world and i wasn't wanting to open a boutique somewhere - i would so be a Kindergarten teacher. i think it would be so rewarding.
oh yeah one more thing - - - - - i cut my hair

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