Who bumped it up, bumped it up, bumped it, who?
good morning blog - it's nice to see you today. sorry i didn't come say hello to you first thing this morning. i had a lot to say to you but i got distracted. then i went into my meeting and got into a really heated argument with a concept with my Creative Director - it took a thumb wrestling match to end it.
yeah so i talked to my friend Jessica last night before bed - i don't really know how long we talked - the conversation started in my office at work via GChat and then progessed to Meebo on my phone and then finally back to GChat at laying on my bed (with Lego sheeets) - i tried really hard to go to bed after we were done but i was just restless - to many thoughts in my head.
so i started digging through old blog posts here and then read my old livejournal - what i thought would make me sleepy only made me more awake. i finally had to make some hot lavender tea to help calm me. i made it to bed around 3:30.
sigh -
yeah i really do want to attempt to go to bed before midnight at least once this month.
the whole point of me telling you about reading the stuff was to show off what i found in my old livejournal (besides a bunch of douchebaggery)

stumbling across this made me smile a little bit - it led me back to reading emails and archived gchats - which made me smile bigger - and tell myself that i do believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason. you can't change my mind on this. i think the proof is slowly beginning to become more evident.
yeah so i talked to my friend Jessica last night before bed - i don't really know how long we talked - the conversation started in my office at work via GChat and then progessed to Meebo on my phone and then finally back to GChat at laying on my bed (with Lego sheeets) - i tried really hard to go to bed after we were done but i was just restless - to many thoughts in my head.
so i started digging through old blog posts here and then read my old livejournal - what i thought would make me sleepy only made me more awake. i finally had to make some hot lavender tea to help calm me. i made it to bed around 3:30.
sigh -
yeah i really do want to attempt to go to bed before midnight at least once this month.
the whole point of me telling you about reading the stuff was to show off what i found in my old livejournal (besides a bunch of douchebaggery)

stumbling across this made me smile a little bit - it led me back to reading emails and archived gchats - which made me smile bigger - and tell myself that i do believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason. you can't change my mind on this. i think the proof is slowly beginning to become more evident.
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